Offers for seniors

Meals on wheels


Do you like freshly prepared and balanced meals without having to prepare them yourself? Anyone over the age of 65, or elderly or sick people who can no longer prepare their own meals, can take advantage of the Meals on Wheels service.

For more information, please visit our page dedicated to the service meals on wheels.

Gymnastics course for seniors


The Commune of Niederanven is pleased to offer a gymnastics course for people over 65 years of age, Tuesdays from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. in the sports complex "Am Sand" in Niederanven. 

The next course 2023/2024 starts on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.

If you are interested, please register with the Communal secretariat by September 8, 2023. 

For further information, please contact M. Christophe Junker (34 11

CIPA Gréngewald


Just a stone's throw from the nature reserve ''Aarnescht'' and its protected orchid area, the Centre Intégré pour Personnes Agées Gréngewald opens its doors to people aged over 65. Their multidisciplinary care concept is based on comprehensive care for the elderly: whether they are completely independent or totally dependent, they welcome seniors in a pleasant and friendly environment.



8, rue Routscheed
L-6939 Niederanven
T.: 34 72 70-1

For more information, visit the web site of the CIPA Gréngewald:

Syrdall Heem

Today, the Syrdall Heem care team has some 70 employees who look after people who are dependent or frail due to their state of health, both at home and in the Syrdall Heem's day centres in Niederanven and Sandweiler.

Services of the Syrdall Heem:

  • home help and care
  • nursing care at home, 7 days a week, for all generations
  • free advice and information
  • day centres for senior residents in Sandweiler and Niederanven
  • Club Senior Syrdall
  • help24 remote alarm assistance
  • home blood tests with ''Picken Doheem''
  • holiday beds
  • leisure and holiday services with qualified carers
  • shopping and cleaning
  • 24-hour care in emergencies

6, Routscheed
L-6939 Niederanven
T.: 34 86 72

For more information, please visit the web site of the Syrdall Heem:

Club Aktiv+ Syrdall

Cub Senior Syrdall, also known as Club Aktiv+ Syrdall, is part of the Syrdall Heem asbl. Since 2005, its team has been dedicated to the task of offering a range of leisure activities for the 60+ generation four times a year: culture, sport, information, life-long learning, socialising, visits and much more.

Anyone interested is welcome. No membership card is required!

1, Square Peter Dussmann
L-5324 Contern
(Chaux de Contern)
T.: 26 35 25 45

For more information, visit the Syrdall Heem website and go to the section about the Club Syrdall: